We aim to be of service and offer low cost retreats!
Why? Because there is more choice for you. There are choices you can make when booking your retreat with us. You can add more cost if you wish to have your own bedroom. There are also choices of adding in therapeutic massage, shamanic healing and Kambo 1 to 1 treatments. Or, you have the choice to keep it simple and low cost by participating with the deep SoulBodyDetox cleanse along with the amazing tasty plant-based food and beautiful natural rustic surroundings and gorgeous swimming pool.
SoulBodyDetox aims to offer you the best we can to fit in with your wallet.
SoulBodyDetox retreats involve intensive cleansing, on many levels, soul, body and mind, and all the whilst being nourished and rejuvenated. These retreats are held in the beautiful Monte Mariposa Retreat Centre set in the hills of the sunny Algarve.
This is a space, where you will have time to relax, unwind, and reconnect to nature and yourself.